
Do YOU want YOUR voice on the new THREE SIXES CD titled “CALL ME THE DEVIL” but don’t know how? Super easy. The following, public domain samples were rejected when we published the songs for the new record, but we want to keep the vibe of overloading samples from multiple sources as an intro. So we re-wrote the samples and are asking YOU to pick THREE of your choice, say the number of the sample, record your voice (male or female) on your phone and email them to There will be NO PAYMENT for the selected participants BUT all chosen for this song will be credited on the CD and will receive a free physical copy. ANYONE  with more than THREE samples submitted will automatically be blocked, so choose wisely and use the demeanor suggested on the lines you choose to perform. This contest will end on 07/28/2024, so act NOW if you want to participate. If we use your sample/samples, we will contact you directly. Thank you for participating and good luck!

  1. Angry old congressman yelling:
    “What I see on this chart behind me, where unaccompanied children are spiking through the roof – have been doing so since Democrats have been in charge of the administration.”

2. Professional British newscaster:
“The World Economic Forum promotes globalist issues such as climate change, so called systemic racism and sexism and creating an online digital identify.  However, a closer inspection reveals the World Economic Forum is an anti-capitalist, anti-free market organization that seeks to subvert Western Values”

3. Matter-of-fact older man, calmly:
“When they say we’re going to have a particular type of agriculture, they want large blocks run by the government or by private consortium where they say – we’re not going to have animal based proteins, we’re not going to have stock yards, we’re not going to have turkey farms, we’re not going to have chicken:

4. Older British man, calm but frustrated:
“Central banks decided it was a good time to print a lot of money.  That was a mistake, that led to inflation – we have too much money chasing too few goods, and the result was inflation”

5. Biden, yelling:
“They have been sentenced to more than 840 years in prison”

6. Bill Gates:
“In some cases, carbon taxes will be used, to drive the demand for these clean products. And only by doing that in an aggressive way, will the economic costs will be brought down enough that we can turn all the middle income countries…”

7. Blackrock official, middle aged man, matter-of-fact:
“What we’re doing internally is if you don’t achieve these levels of impact, your compensation could be impacted, okay.  You have to force behaviors, and if you don’t force behaviors, whether it’s gender or race, or just anyway you want to say the composition of your team…”

8. Intensely concerned guy:
“I don’t want to make light of it, because I know we’re going to start reading some really horrific stories, and I remember when we were talking about this, the CDC was pushing back, they were trying to say things like, well you can’t read all those fields…”

9. Guy out on dinner talking casually:
“Once the public is open to it, we’re going to start focusing mainly on climate … and that one we’ll beat to death, but that’s also got, like, longevity.  There’s no definitive ending”

10. Canadian politician:
“There are foreign interest that are acting against Canada,  that want to shut down our resource sector, and make us more dependent on the rest of the world, think of this.  We now know that China has interfered…”

11. Justin Trudeau:
“This global pandemic has also created an opportunity, to build back better.  And climate action is an essential part of that”

12. Concerned woman:
“…part of the bigger global agenda that is centered around control.  In fact I would say it’s the typical globalist strategy.  They create a crisis, and they say the answer to this crisis is you giving up your rights…”

13. Computer nerd guy:
“…where they consolidated into 6 big banks, in the US, so then it would be a lot easier to introduce a central bank digital currency.  And so banking becomes like a utility, pretty much owned by the government…”

14. Man giving presentation:
“There’s no laws requiring pharmaceutical companies to manufacture drugs that are designed to cure, even though they could”

15. Fauci:
“The risk is extremely low of transmitting it to anybody else, full stop”

16. Fauci:
“We have experience with this type of vaccine in billions of people.  It’s a safe vaccine, of course with the MRNA there’s a very very low risk of getting myocarditis”

17. Trans guy having a mental breakdown, trying to act serious:
“I want to tear your fucking bones out from your god damn body.  I want to scoop your brains out with a fucking spoon.  I want to eat your fucking flesh”

18. Female news reporter:
“The people that were administering these vaccines lied to the guardians of these girls, and told the girls this is going to cure cancer … and there was no insurance, there was no assistance for them, and the Gates foundation denied that it had done clinical trials…”

19. Younger man giving presentation:
“…that you can be manipulated like *snaps fingers* that, to believe in something that goes against your natural instincts”

20. Female reporter from Ireland:
“The Irish government is proposing a law known as the Hate Speech bill, that threatens free speech.  This law could have dire consequences…”

21. Man imitating Klaus Schwab:
“…he looked at everyone and he said: “We have in this room, we get to decide the future of this planet!”  I mean, that’s the kind of maniacal James Bond villain attitude, he actually has.

22. Indian woman giving testimony:
“…how can you say I’m on the wrong side, I pick whoever I want because this is a free country.  But then I noticed they were going and getting all the white, male, republicans out by sheer intimidation”

23. Nadler talking about immigrants:
“… our vegetables would rot in the ground, if they weren’t being picked by many immigrants – many illegal immigrants…”

24. Male show host:
“…even 1 additional dollar on your electric bill to fight climate change, and almost nobody said yes, including the people who believe the climate change narrative”

25. Scientist man giving testimony:
“19 thousand patient study showed that 30 percent, nearly a third of people experienced neurological harms, whether it was ringing in the ears, whether it was burning, or whatnot

26. Male newscaster:
“…and kicked out federal border patrol agents, arguing that it’s the Biden administration that has perpetuated illegal crossings.  So Texas is going to control this land from here on out.”

27. Thad Snider – man speaking with attitude towards city officials:
“You spent millions on masks, and lockdowns.  You cost people their jobs, their businesses.  And now you’re raising our taxes.  You have mismanaged our money and now you want more of it.”

28. Old news caster man:
“The sharing of biased and false news has become all too common across social media.”
“This is extremely dangerous to our democracy”

29. Canadian politician:
“So, we’re building fewer homes now that we have 40 million people, than we built when we had 22 million people, Mr. Speaker, and no wonder we have this new phenomenon of middle class, working, homeless people.”

30. Woman politician, annoyed:
“…under the pretext of pandemic preparedness, and the biosecurity agenda.

31. Russian politician:
“During the COVID pandemic, World Health Organization only told lies.  It should be declared a terroristic organization”

32. Woman reporter:
“In Michigan, a city clerk noticed a woman dropping off thousands of completed voter registration applications.  The clerk told police that many of the applications appeared to have the same handwriting.”