Damien’s Mail

Day With Damien- Day 10

“Damien’s Mail”
October 11, 2000

Written by: Damien & Tim?
Hey, check out what this idiot said. He wrote to me about this guy I know named Viagruss, you’ve met him. This guy is fucking stupid. Things have been a little slow lately, so if you want something new to stick up on the site, go ahead and post this. By the way, I appreciate everything you do for us with the website and all, but quit sleeping in your car in front of my house. The neighbors are really starting to freak out. If anything new comes up, don’t worry, I’ll tell you, ok? Cool. Talk to you later, D.

(I DO NOT sleep in front of Damien’s house very often. He is exaggerating.. Xerxes)


From: NICEBUTTMAN@webtv.net (TIM)
To: damienlavey@hotmail.com
Subject: What the fuck?
Date: Wed, 4 Oct 2000 22:33:01 -0700 (PDT)

What happened to viagruss? I cant believe you dont have anything about him on this gay site. You would think that the guy with the biggest cock in the crew would at least have his name come up somewhere. You fucking suck! Youre probably some fucked up raider fan that get chicks to hang around you because your gay. Why dont you sit your bitch ass down in front of your pc, and give credit where credit is due. fag http://community.webtv.net/NICEBUTTMAN/mypic



Viagruss had actually sent me a few different pictures to post. The problem was that all of them had him either getting jizz blown all over his face, taking multiple cocks in his mouth and ass (all at once!) or having some kind of anal sex with farm animals. I mean don’t get me wrong, I still think the guy is pretty cool now that he understands that I won’t LET him suck my dick.(Even if he pays me to, and he’s offered me ALOT of money to do it!) I just felt that although I don’t condone or understand his sexual preferences, I still consider him my friend. I just don’t feel that even a raging cocksucking bronco loving homo fag like Viagruss deserves the kind of global humiliation that only the internet can provide. So I didn’t post them. I noticed a link you sent me for a picture, but the link was defective. Send me another one. Hopefully this one won’t have any man seed spewed all over his face and I can finally post it on our site, and give him the recognition he somewhat deserves.

By the way, yes I’m a Raider fan, we ARE in first place, and unlike Viagruss I get chicks to hang out with me because I know how to fuck, not because I’m gay and they feel absolutely no sexual threat from me of any kind. Thank you for your time, feel free to write back soon.


From: NICEBUTTMAN@webtv.net (TIM)
To: damienlavey@hotmail.com (Damien LaVey)
Subject: Re: What the fuck?
Date: Sat, 7 Oct 2000 22:17:02 -0700 (PDT)

Gee, I feel as if I offended you with some of the comments I made in my last letter, so I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me. Ahh fuck it, first of all let me explain what a hard time I had reading that email you sent me, because I’m not sure how to translate faglish. Second of all I know that the only cumshot pics that youv’e seen were on www.cumguzzlingboys.com. So don’t try to pawn that fag propaganda on me, homo. And last but not least, since when does a bronco fan need to acknowledge some cocksucking, ass2mouth recieving, salad tossing raider
fag. Last time I checked, those homos haven’t seen any superbowl action since, what was it? 84? Come on, no reputable city other than the one across the bay from the cocksucking homo capital of the world want’s them. And they have to play on a gaysball field, fag. so next time try not to come up with such a lame excuse and just come on out of that closet, queer.



First off, judging by what you’ve written me, I don’t think that you possess the mental capacity to actually offend me. On the contrary, I think that you’re actually pretty funny. As for faglish, it’s a language that I’m not familiar with. Maybe it’s the type of terminology used on the website you mentioned, cumguzzlingboys.com, a website that I also didn’t know existed. That other reference you made in this email of “cocksucking, ass2mouth recieving, salad tossing” are unfamiliar to me, and again, seem to be of the homosexual nature. I also noticed that your email address name is NICEBUTTMAN. Did you think of that all by yourself or did you earn it from one of your many boyfriends?

In the last email you sent me, you mentioned that Viagruss had the biggest cock in my crew. How do you know that? Was it because he stretched your asshole out wider than it had ever been stretched before after he fucked you in it, because you choked on it harder than anyone else had ever made you choke when he slammed it in your mouth or both? You seem to know alot about homosexuality. You mentioned a language that I’d never heard of before, a website that (judging by the name) is based on gay men who like to suck cock, and you say that you know that Viagruss has the biggest one in my crew. I think that YOU are the one that needs to come out of the closet. I seem to be a little in the dark about all of this homosexual knowledge and therefore (unlike yourself) lack a closet to even come out of. Sorry to dissappoint you.

As for football, yes, it’s been awhile since we’ve won a Super Bowl. How many rings do The Raiders have? Oh yeah, 3. How many do the broncos have, 2? Hmmm, we seem to have more. How many have Super Bowls have The Raiders lost? 1. How many have the broncos lost? Way too many to add to your rapidly increasing embarrassment to mention. If you want to live in the past, The Raiders have more rings. If you want to live in the present, The Raiders are STILL all alone in first place, not the broncos. Either way, past or present, you lose on both ends. Elway is gone forever and so is your hope. Enjoy your only 2 Super Bowl victories. They’re the only ones you’ll ever see.

Lastly, don’t you have ANYTHING else better to do on a Saturday night other than write negative emails to people? What’s wrong, was Viagruss too busy filling another mans asshole to make any time for you? No wonder you carry so much anger. You jealous little boy. Just to let you know, I blind carbon copied your last email to about 20 friends, we all cracked up! Feel free to respond again if you’d like me to expose your stupidity and closet homosexuality any further. You make me and my friends laugh! I look forward to hearing back from you and increasing your humiliation soon.


From: NICEBUTTMAN@webtv.net (TIM)
To: damienlavey@hotmail.com (Damien LaVey)
Subject: Re: What the fuck?
Date: Mon, 9 Oct 2000 18:16:03 -0700 (PDT)

I am not a fag and once again I already told u. u r not fucking
my nicebutt do not care how much money u will give me !!!!!!!!!!!!!! http://community.webtv.net/NICEBUTTMAN/mypic



Did I mention anything about paying you money to fuck your ass? The correct answer would be “No”.

Just because you are a loser with no life who is ashamed to hide your own homosexual desires doesn’t mean that anyone who is different than you is just as pathetic.

By the way, your link didn’t work again. Apparently you suck just as bad on a computer as you do with your dialogue. Keep up the practice loser, maybe someday you’ll be able to score that big date you’ve been chasing all of your life and FINALLY get your sister to fuck you so you can lose your virginity……..to a woman that is.