Saturday, 09/07/2019 will be the last THREE SIXES show of the year. While we have been in discussions for things in 2020, nothing has been confirmed and we are planning a bit of a live hiatus to work on more … Continue reading
Three Sixes LIVE at Joe’s Grotto! Representing SoCal at Spleen’s Big 30 Metalfest in Phoenix, Arizona. Amazing night of music with Mary Tyler Morfiend, Crank Lab Explosion, Ironkill, Condemned Till Dawn, Meganuera, Never Reborn, Absolute Adversary, Defiant Machine, & Archenaut.
THREE SIXES returns to Las Vegas! Special guests to be announced!
Doors at 9pm; 18+ show; only $5 cover!
Presented by Corpulent Productions! Westminster, CA based Three Sixes has a sound that incorporates their Metal, Thrash and Techno roots with Hardcore, while simultaneously mixing in a heavy dose of Industrial influence that has built a foundation for a gruesomely … Continue reading
Locals Arise in Chaos and The Union partner with SoCal thrashers Three Sixes to bring the brutality to Littleton, Colorado.
Three Sixes, Arise in Chaos and The Union at The Crown Bar in Cheyenne, WY. NO COVER!
The Union, Arise in Chaos and Three Sixes throw down at the Loading Dock, Thursday June 20th in Salt Lake City, Utah. A night chock full of industrial metal, thrash and insanity.
Hosted by Distractions and Lucky Liquor